Gen Z put mental health on the map. Let them lead in solving the crisis.
May 23, 2024

It’s hard to comprehend that a 10-year-old could be feeling so much pain, that ending their life feels like the only escape. And yet, suicide is the second leading cause of death among 10-14-year-olds.
We shouldn’t be ok with any child enduring that much pain and suffering.
We see the data. We feel the loss and the toll this crisis is taking on our loved ones. As the head of AmeriCorps, a federal agency that’s all about harnessing the power of young people to address societal challenges, I see something else we rarely talk about.
Gen Z. Not only as the social media savvy, TikTok enthusiast, boundary-breaking generation that it is — but as a powerhouse going further in mainstreaming mental health than any generation before it.
We must stop underestimating this most capable, passionate and convicted generation.