Catalyzing Our Way Forward
If you ask young people and parents what worries them the most about their future, they’ll tell you: economic uncertainty and mental health. We believe that these growing crises represent two of our nation’s greatest challenges and that they are deeply intertwined.
Today’s young adults are losing confidence in traditional pathways to economic security. Those who want to get ahead aren’t sure how or who to turn to for help. Too many entry-level workers churn in low-wage jobs for an average of five to seven years before they can get ahead. Youth experiencing homelessness or who are involved with the foster care and juvenile justice systems face additional barriers through no fault of their own.
The current marketplace of educational and employment options available aren’t meeting their needs, and requires a transformative shift, with economic mobility as the ultimate outcome.
How can we unlock opportunity so that the next generation is able to realize their full potential? This is the central question that animates our work.
We believe the answer lies in understanding the barriers and opportunities that allow some to advance, while others don’t, and how we can think differently about working together to develop and scale new solutions that create pathways to opportunity.
We recognize that we don’t have all the answers, but we are dedicated to sharing what we learn with others, and advocating loudly for effective solutions that deserve more attention, energy and investment from all sectors of our nation.

Letter from Howard and Sheri
We must all ask ourselves: Will we settle for an America where only a few have access to first starts and a fair shot?
Will we allow one’s place in life to be determined by the zip code of one’s birth? Will we turn our backs on those who have served our country yet find decent work out of reach?
We all share the same dreams—to love and be loved, to find and pursue our purpose and to provide for our families. Yet, we are living in an America where potential is within all of us, but opportunity may be out of reach.
The Schultz Family Foundation is committed to lifting the human spirit and bringing possibility to everyone, regardless of skin color, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or station in life. We see our nation’s challenges, but we also see solutions. If we work together to unlock potential across our communities, we can build a nation that lives up to its promise.