
From Grocery Store to Google Fellow: Meet Dasha

Working at a local grocery store chain in Dickinson, TX during the pandemic, Dasha realized she wanted more. She knew college wasn’t the right path for her – due to financial reasons and her desire to prioritize her mental health – but she also knew she did not want to work at the grocery store forever. She wanted a career.

“I really didn’t have any goals, and I feel like I didn’t have those goals because I didn’t have opportunities,” Dasha says.

Enter Generation USA. Generation USA is a nonprofit organization that prepares, places and supports people into careers that would otherwise be inaccessible. They help serve individuals for whom the existing education-to-employment system has not worked, focusing on training those who have been historically underserved and underrepresented in the workforce. Aimed at closing the opportunity gap by increasing access to digital skills, participation in Generation USA’s 10-16 week programs is completely free to learners. They are known for integrating technical behavioral, and mindset skills alongside hands-on modules, to help learners maintain continued success on the job long-term.

For Dasha, joining Generation USA is when her journey took a turn. She found Generation USA through her Google searches for career pathways that didn’t involve college, and much to her excitement she came across Generation USA’s Digital Marketing Analyst Program. Knowing little to nothing about tech bootcamps and marketing, she dove a little deeper, only to find out that marketing could offer many different careers and pathways, from the creative to the technical. This flexibility appealed to her. Next, she applied and landed herself a spot in the 12-week program.

Today, she is a Web Development fellow at Google and is filled with excitement and hope about her future.

“I’m a different person than I was career-wise. All of the opportunities came to me because I went to Generation USA, if I had never done it I would still be a curb side shopper looking for another career,” she says with a quiet confidence.

The experience Dasha had at Generation USA prepared her for her Google internship by helping her develop a growth mindset. This training emphasized building a can-do attitude and not being afraid of taking a leap and trying new things. Keeping this in mind has really helped Dasha find her way in her new career.  Being an introverted middle child, Dasha said never expected to pursue this path, but with the support of her family and friends and help from Generation USA she set achievable goals that helped her along her journey.

She is now excited to share her resume and feels confident in her interview skills. She feels as though Generation USA just sparked something that was already in her.

“At Generation USA I felt like I could do anything.”

Now, the sky is the limit for Dasha, but she is eager to share what she knows about the tech industry and perhaps inspire other young people to explore a career outside of their comfort zone.

Learn more about Generation USA.