Scaling Equitable Solutions For Youth Homelessness Prevention in Washington State
January 30, 2025

The Homelessness Prevention & Diversion Fund is an Important Tool in Washington’s Strategy to End Youth Homelessness
The Homelessness Prevention and Diversion Fund (HPDF) launched in 2020, bringing flexible funding specifically for youth and young adults to four Washington (WA) counties to address immediate housing crises. The program was made possible through a public-private partnership that provided Yakima, Walla Walla, Spokane, and Pierce Counties $1.5 million biannually in public funding and $50,000 in private dollars. Since 2020, the HPDF’s reach has more than doubled, and the program now operates in ten counties with additional private investments of $500,000. Through legislative advocacy, the HPDF’s public funding pool increased to $5 million bi-annually in 2023. The HPDF has now served over 1,704 households across WA, demonstrating its impact in both urban and rural communities.
The HPDF was the first multi-community centralized diversion fund for both youth and young adults (YYA) in WA, based off a model created by AfricaTown and supported by Building Changes. The HPDF was originally created as a tool for A Way Home Washington’s Anchor Community Initiative to address system level gaps in YYA services. The centralized diversion model is a person-centered and strengths-based approach that assists individuals or households in quickly securing housing outside of the homeless response system. Together, the young person and trained provider tailor strategies that lead to safe and stable housing, coupled with one-time financial assistance when needed. As a “centralized” fund, the money is held at the community level – allowing for broad access creating a “no wrong door,” and inherently more equitable, framework.
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