Statement from the Schultz Family Foundation
October 13, 2023

The Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel, the largest massacre of Jewish people since the Holocaust, have horrified and saddened us to the core. The premeditated acts of brutal violence committed by Hamas against innocent women, children, and the elderly fracture our collective humanity. The devastation is a haunting reminder of the existential threat Jewish people have faced for millennia. As we grieve with the families whose loved ones were killed, injured and taken hostage—and the entire nation of Israel—we join millions around the world who will not remain silent bystanders to evil. We condemn the actions of Hamas and have begun efforts to help Israel heal and rebuild. More will follow, including support to address the trauma and humanitarian needs that are unfolding. We yearn for a day when peace comes to the Middle East, when Israelis and Palestinians can live without the constant threat of violence, and children can grow up with the promise of a brighter future.